
Saturday, February 17, 2007


Immigration Fuels Rise in Klan Membership

Organizations that track hate groups and officials of the groups themselves say fears over illegal immigration are fueling a resurgence in membership to the Ku Klux Klan. GOLLY GEE I CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHY?
The imperial wizard of the Mount Holly-based chapter of the Klan says membership is growing faster in Gaston County than he's seen since joining in the 1960s. Virgil Griffin says while the Klan isn't as strong now (NOT YET) as it was in the 1960s, he's hoping the group will get there. The Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center says that from 2000 to 2005, the number of hate groups grew 33 percent in the United States while Klan chapters grew by 63 percent. The center also says North Carolina has grown from 27 to 35 extremist groups, including eight Klan chapters, in the past five years.

Charlotte's FBI bureau reports sporadic rises in Klan activity in recent years but nothing significant. The Bush policy is sending people to organize. THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION INSISTS ON OPEN BORDERS AND TRYING AND JAILING OUR FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WILL NOT STAND FOR THE BUSH DICTATORSHIP ON ILLEGALS.

A black man said on a talk show that he is so upset with illegal immigration
that if the Klan would change its ethnic policy he would join the Klan.

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