
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Juan Williams, Blinded by Obama Furvor

Juan Williams, on Fox News Sunday, oh my God, did this guy only took certain classes in College? Juan Williams is the epitome of the infatuation that people have with this mulatto crooner, Obama, a true facsimile of Frank Sinatra reading off of the telepromter in Las Vegas.
Everyone in America knows about the spending of the Obama Adminstration. Tea Parties are going on all over the country by millions of people, hello Juan, all of the taxpayers get it already. Taxpayers understand it. Why is it Juanito does not get it.
Obama's policies do not work. The policies will never work. He will fail, but inadvertantly he is doing us all a favor. The Democtratic imbeciles we have in Congress are moving on. The tea parties will spread the news that no one wants to address.
We need to play exodus for Harry Ried, who said oil makes us sick, He makes me sick, I love my cars. The rest of the heathans in congress needs pink slips, ladies and gentlemen.
If you love your country, ridding ourselves of maggots, faggots like Barney Franks, the leaches, in congress, like Boxer, please call me senator, Fienstien, derelicts like Dickie Durbin, vagrants like John Murtha, just pick your poison. They all suck.