McCain! "I would sign an amnesty Bill if it came across my desk" Janary 27 2008.
I am amazed how people are so short sighted. If Immigration is in the forfront of 9 out of 10 people' minds. How is it possible that McCain is on the board as a contender.
It is illegal immigration that is one of the cornerstones of the bankruptcy that is heading our way. The economic depression we are in is fueled by illegal immigration. To look the other way, to do the shoulder shrugging, to allow the santuary of illegal immigration should be a thing of the past, McCain cannot be the president elect.
My grandfather use to tell me, Do not lend an ear to what people say but keep an eyeball on what they do. McCain is the high priest of the amnesty bill that was sent to hell by the voters last year. McCain will, I repeat, will instill amnesty contrary to what the voter believes and wants. McCain says it, no doubt, he is for amnesty.
On Sundays television show with Tim Russert, he said he would sign any bill coming across his desk...legalizing the illegals. What more do you need to see, he just spoke his conviction.
McCain is one of those people in Washington that thinks the voting public is to stupid and its McCain's duty to shove amnesty down the voters throat.
He is right in a way. The people who vote him in, Are so stupid that a man like McCain can surmise that amnesty is the right and just way to handle the illegal immigration question.After all the voters are so stupid to put McCain in the white house, why not give amnesty to the illegals.
From McCains point of view...Americans must have wanted amnesty for the illegals, after all.......the voters elected me.