Well America, Look what We have here. Barry Hussein Obama's teacher of "Christianity" for 20 years needs security from the boys of the Nation of Islam.
The Nation of Islam Watches Over Mr. Wrights Ass but why? Why out of all the security organizations like Wells Fargo, Pinkerton, or other reputable security, why Islamics.
Only the hierarchy of our government lives in fears of Islamics. The Islamo Facsists have the peace nicks running in fear. Our x beatnik hippies in congress now live with the fading dreams of love peace and hippie beads with viagra as the reality.
To quote a great movie line. If history has taught us anything is that you can kill anybody. So if anyone really wanted the Reverend Wright dead, he would be dead. If you can kill a president you can kill anyone.
Now, people, do you honestly believe that the Nation of Islam can prevent killing the big mouth reverend who has the audacity to use our Lord thy God's name in vain? I wager no, and the way I see it, is that the Nation of Islam and Mr. Wright, wants to strike fear in Americas heart. They want hatred.
As for the Nation of Islam the majority of Americans are armed and ready and fearless. I personally rumbled in the Bronx when I grew up, I have no fear of any koran toting mother flower. I know many Americans feel the same way.
Yes suckers keep voting for Obama, you fools