
Saturday, May 1, 2010

National Suicide and you have to read this Book

No novel, no television show, no American Idol, no Sponge Bob, no radio show and no news cast can compare to Martin Gross' book about the once late great USA

How does 1399 welfare programs for America sound to you. They have no oversight and no one knows where the money is going. Your money at work at the hands of buffoons who want to run your health care.

The insult to the intelligence does not stop there. Washington wants to tax you to death with cap and trade. Taxes based on junk science.

Congress has no clue where the money is going, but you should be informed, for your decision in November. These derelicts in Congress is why we are in the mess we are in. In the immortal words of Oliver Hardy.

Well Congress, here is another nice mess you have gotten us into. Hew eeeehee heeeeeeee