
Saturday, May 5, 2007

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

President Bush Glows in the Dark on May 1st 2007

Go President Bush, GO Its about time, and you need to continue the deal of explaining the War against the Islamo Fascists. President Bush, finally reminded why I voted for this man.

He needs to do this almost on a daily basis so that the USA and the world understand what it is and who we are fighting. Proud that he call the enemy by name...Islamic fascists.

He rolled out the names of countries the list of organizations, the functions and objectives achieved, very smoothly. Why? because he was telling the truth. Bush stammers and stutters when he is lying. If Bush consistently communicated as he did yesterday, he would not be having the problem he has with the democrat communists we have in congress.

Its obvious as to why we have not been hit...because Bush is on it, America.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Jerry Klien's Response and I still Disagree with Him

You're certainly entitled to your opinion, Alvin. Your anger shows. You feel used. That's a sad thing to see. We'll never send back the tens of million illegals who are already here. What matters is how we handle them now. I'd rather they start paying their fair share into the public coffers than continue to hide underground -- and my belief is that if given the opportunity, that's what the vast majority of them will do. They'll pay taxes like the rest of us, when we're smart enough to make them part of the system.

Thanks for listening, if only this one time.................Best, Jerry

So Jerry thinks illegals will put in $8,000.00 into our system. However the fact is that each illegal take out $32,000.00 in services. Unfortunately Jerry is not doing his math. We could send all them back if we had the President and the congress with cahones, however we are stuck with Kennedy, because the wrong ones were killed, Harry Ried, Pelosi, Boxer Finstein and the list is endless.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Rosie O Dumbell says Steel Does not melt! Oh really

OAKLAND -- Huge leaping flames from an exploding gasoline tanker melted the steel underbelly of a highway overpass in the East Bay's MacArthur Maze early this morning, causing it to collapse onto the roadway below and virtually ensuring major traffic problems for weeks to come.

The elevated roadway that fell carried eastbound traffic from the Bay Bridge onto Interstates 580 and 980 and state Highway 24. It draped like a blanket over a roadway below, a connector from southbound I-80 to I-880 that also was severely damaged.

The single-vehicle crash occurred on the lower roadway when the tanker, loaded with 8,600 gallons of unleaded gasoline and heading from a refinery in Benicia to a gas station on Hegenberger Road in Oakland, hit a guardrail at 3:41 a.m.

Engineers said the green steel frame of the I-580 overpass and the bolts holding the frame together began to melt and bend in the intense heat

-- and that movement pulled the roadbed off its supports.

Get used to Amnesty says Jerry Klien

Did you ever hear an appeaser, listen to Jerry KLien. I was a First time listener and the last time to.

I disagree with him, on many things and includes amnesty. If I were the president all 31 million would go back. 75 percent on there own. It could be done to ...if everyone wanted to, however the media suckered everybody and with the help of the worst President in history, Moron Bush is the culprit.

My love for George Bush has sucken to a new low, I actually hate him. His best moment was on top of the heap at the WTC. That picture will also be in my mind. of Idiot Bush on top of the heap of rubble with the bullhorn, "The world will hear you" he yelled...on top of what was once the World Trade Center on September the 11th.

I will also will remember Bush standing on top of all the rubble again in history. Standing with a bull horn, stuttering his BS over the rubble of our Social Security System and our economy because of his obsession with illegal aliens. Jery Klien is so wrong he needs to read more.
Illegal aliens are here for free services, Illegal aliens are here for free services, Illegal aliens are here for free services, do you get it. Its free schools and the 2 tier system. yes Mr Klien the 2 tier? Yes Jerry Klien, the very rich, and the middle class like me, will pay out the nose for these vultures.

Wait till its 55 percent taxes you will remember George Bush. I see things accurately. You need to read up on amnesty for immigration world wide...
I will retire to the Philippines where it will be the only place I can afford to live after the amnesty. Wait till the ripple affect hits the economy. At least in the Philipines I will pick my own brown people
I was in awe when I saw all the illegals shaking there alien flags, there hips swinging to the mariachi beat and telling us we no longer making babies. The dancing in the streets by the illegals in California reminded me of an earlier time. I am hispanic and I understand what the sponges down in mehico are saying.
The translation for what the amnesty hopefuls are saying, JERRY KLIEN, is in a famous movie, West Side Story...................... EVERYTHING FREE IN AMERICA.

The Cleanest Feet in the West, Cabbies in Kansas City

Islamicsize America, Guys get ready for the skull cap, and ladies I hope you have great eyes because that's all you get to show in Islamville.

Airport adds foot basins for Muslim Cabbie's Police worry about Kansas City 'catering' to Islamic rituals The Kansas City International Airport has added several foot-washing basins in restrooms to accommodate a growing number of Muslim taxicab drivers who requested the facilities to prepare for daily Islamic prayer. The move concerns airport police who worry about Middle Eastern men loitering inside the building. After 9/11, the airport beefed up its police force to help prevent terrorist attacks.
Why are we constructing places of worship for them inside our airports?" said an airport official who requested anonymity. "Why are we catering to their rituals? We don't do it for any other religion." Other major airports also are dealing with increased demands from Muslim cabdrivers. For instance, Cabbie's at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport recently caused a stir when they refused to carry passengers possessing alcoholic beverages or accompanied by seeing-eye dogs. Alcohol is forbidden in Islam, and dogs are considered unclean.
In sharp contrast Kansas is different. There are approximately 250 taxicab drivers operating at KCI Airport in Missouri, one of the largest airports in the U.S., linking some 10 million passengers between mid-America and other U.S. cities. Approximately 70 percent of the drivers are of Middle Eastern heritage and practice the Islamic faith, sources say. KCI Airport Police are responsible for the cab drivers, including the holding areas of the building. The KCI Aviation Department, which oversees the police, recently expanded the taxicab facility restroom area to include the construction of four individual foot-washing benches.
The cost of the project is not immediately known, meaning the cost is somewhere between the sun and the planet Venus. A spokeswoman for the engineering department said she could not break out the figures, you now how hard it is to read the amounts when the cost is in orbit, if you believe another lie. I am sure its a couple of million dollars, sight unseen when it comes to wasting taxpayer money. KCI Airport Police Capt. Jim Harmon declined comment, explaining, "This is a touchy subject." He referred questions to the KCI Aviation Department.
In a cleansing ritual known as ablution, Muslims are required to wash their feet before praying to Allah five times a day. They often complain that public restroom sinks do not accommodate their needs. Floor-level basins make it easier for them to perform their foot-washing ritual. The Council on American-Islamic Relations has pressed government agencies and businesses to install the foot basins in restrooms. The controversial Muslim lobby group advises employers to allow Muslim workers time to perform both the washing ritual and prayer, which "is usually about 15 minutes," according to a pamphlet CAIR publishes called, "An Employer's Guide to Islamic Religious Practices."
Now get this, all you non rascists and lovers of cultural diversity. Think about this next time you get the urge to lick a refugee who thinks he is God's gift to America...
The Islamic purification ritual, known in Arabic as "wudu," involves a 10-step process, which includes: 1. Praising Allah while washing both hands up to the wrist three times, making sure that the water reaches between fingers and under rings. 2. Rinsing out the mouth thoroughly three times, using the right hand (the one not used for cleaning private parts) to bring the water to the mouth. 3. Snorting water into the nostrils from the right hand, three times, to cleanse them of demons that Muslims believe reside there, clearing the passages of any mucous using the left hand. 4. Washing off the tip of the nose with the left hand. 5. Washing the entire face three times from right ear to left ear. 6. Continuing to wash from forehead to throat. 7. Washing the right arm and then the left arm, three times, from the wrist up to the elbow, removing watches. 8. Moving wetted palms over the head from the top of the forehead to the back of the head. 9. Passing the wetted tips of the fingers into the grooves and holes of both ears, and also passing the wetted thumbs behind the ears and ear lobes. 10. Finally, washing both feet to the ankles starting with the right foot, including between the toes, then reciting: "Ash-hadu an la ilaha illal lahu wa ashhadu anna Muammadan 'abduhu wa rasuluh" – meaning there is no god but Allah and he has no partners, and Muhammad is his servant and messenger.
You need an hour to properly do that prayer ritual, who is Cair kidding. The obsession by muslims with their perceived notion of personal cleanliness, prayer ritual means they are built only for prayer. Why work?
I am convinced this is no religion, but a cult obsessed with utter nonsense. Muslims do not have a clue on aseptic technique. Ask Nicholas Berg, Daniel Pearl, Johnson, and on and on they beheading all over the world will attest. Our Military found the beheading sites and there was no clean up or aseptic practices obvious in the decor on the walls of yesterday's blood splatter.
The imbeciles in Kansas cater to these delusional facsimiles of religious piety and the people of Kansas do not challenge these absurdities. The delusions of grandeur of islamism continue to permeate our society as a whole. Where are the lawyers who can challenge these islamic mores and practices in the courts. I ask? Who is protecting us from the skull capped dufus' that are shoving down the throats of the taxpayer all of these Islamics wastes of time.
After reading the rituals, My God! when will the Unites States get it through there thick skulls that these people are still in the 7th century and that they are incompatible with us in the 21st century. Are we going to continue appeasing CAIR as our misinformed President Bush imports 40,000 more of these ancient relics of a social abomination. Pope Benedict had it right there is definitely no relations between the west and the islamics.
I wish I was a lawyer, I would organize pro bono lawyers like the Thomas More Law Center organization, just to fight islamic fascists. I would challenge anyone who would try to install the crescent moon on my flag. That's how I see it in Missouri, after all that's what it seems like to any reasonable man or woman. Now I know why its hard to find a Gideon Bible when I drive through Missouri.