
Monday, April 30, 2007

Jerry Klien's Response and I still Disagree with Him

You're certainly entitled to your opinion, Alvin. Your anger shows. You feel used. That's a sad thing to see. We'll never send back the tens of million illegals who are already here. What matters is how we handle them now. I'd rather they start paying their fair share into the public coffers than continue to hide underground -- and my belief is that if given the opportunity, that's what the vast majority of them will do. They'll pay taxes like the rest of us, when we're smart enough to make them part of the system.

Thanks for listening, if only this one time.................Best, Jerry

So Jerry thinks illegals will put in $8,000.00 into our system. However the fact is that each illegal take out $32,000.00 in services. Unfortunately Jerry is not doing his math. We could send all them back if we had the President and the congress with cahones, however we are stuck with Kennedy, because the wrong ones were killed, Harry Ried, Pelosi, Boxer Finstein and the list is endless.

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