
Monday, March 5, 2007

Ann Coulter was a hit again, but what else is new.

I staunchly believe in the first amendment right to free speech. Under the first amendment, there is no escaping the matter, but someone has to be offended. There was the ‘artistic' achievement of Andres Serrano with ‘Piss Christ'. Using a grant from The National Endowment for The Arts, Serrano produced photographs, including one of a crucifix immersed in a beaker of his own urine. The perversion of free speech did not stop there.
This was followed within the past two years by an exhibit at The Brooklyn Museum of Art that had among its offerings for public viewing, a painting of the Blessed Virgin Mary that used elephant dung as one of its materials. Rudy, then mayor of New York, was so angry he threatened to cut funding for the museum. To show how little the museum managers had learned, it followed up with another exhibit that included a picture called "Yo' Mama's Last Supper" with Jesus as a black female and another protest developed. Most recently, a museum in Santa Fe, New Mexico displayed a work by a woman named Alma Lopez who identifies herself as a Chicana lesbian. It had Our Lady of Guadalupe, who is sacred to Mexicans and Mexican-Americans, dressed in a floral bikini. The litany of outrageous art continues under the guise of free speech.

So what is the problem with the first Amendment rights of the vivacious Ann Coulter? Somehow, Ann Coulter, being Ann Coulter owes some one an apology, huh? I suggest that what she said should post as an eulogy. Coulter true to her personality said and/or implied that Senator John Edwards is somehow loosely tied to the state of faggot. You know, come to think of it, I don't feel sorry for that maggot.

There are other emerging fissures, as we progress to the elections of 2008. The movie star John Edwards was cruising along, detailing his litany of liberalism, Edwards remarked, Perhaps the greatest short-term threat to world peace, Edwards remarked, was the possibility that Israel would bomb Iran's nuclear facilities. I can picture the chill descending in the room. Edwards event was brought to a polite close.

Really? Israel is the biggest threat? Not Ahmedinijad? Not al-Qaeda? Not a coup attempt in Pakistan? Not a complete breakdown in Iraq drawing in the Saudis, Turks, and Iranians? Not liberalism, people like Edwards in our congress? Not the permanent fixtures that grace the Halls in Washington D.C.?

Israel, give me a break.

John Edwards, should not be bothered by the word faggot. Instead the senator needs make sure the people around him don't throw him into a fire. He must never wind up in jail and have to live up to the term faggot. He has to thank God and give a little extra into the collection plate on Sunday so his problems don't get as bad as those around him.

I will never vote for John Edwards. To be called a faggot is nothing compared to looking like one. As you can see Rudy Julie Anna does have problems.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Rudy Julie Anna....

You make your point with humor, as usual.

Good post...

Radio Patriot