
Friday, April 23, 2010

Arizona New Immigration :Law

Nowhere in the Constitution is there any mention of secession from the union of the states. This was not an accident.

New York, Rhode Island, and Virginia ratified the Constitution, they specifically stated that they reserved the right to resume the governmental powers granted to the United States. Their claim to the right of secession was understood and agreed to by the other ratifiers, including George Washington, who presided over the Constitutional Convention and was also a delegate from Virginia.

In his book Life of Webster Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge writes, "It is safe to say that there was not a man in the country, from Washington and Hamilton to Clinton and Mason, who did not regard the new system as an experiment from which each and every State had a right to peaceably withdraw."

A textbook used at West Point before the Civil War, A View of the Constitution, written by Judge William Rawle, states, "The secession of a State depends on the will of the people of such a State."

70 percent of the people in Arizona wants the immigration law signed into law today. If there are calls for the fake in Washington to stop the new law in Arizona then why not leave the Union.

Why not secede? Immigration is not a civil issue. It is an issue of right and wrong. Contrary to the desires of the worst congress in session history, the people of the United States, I am sure is better then 80 percent are for closing the borders.

Vote the bums out in November so we can get some conservatives into the legislature, and roll back the trek of this once great Nation..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems that the conservatives we have had in the white house had no interest at all in closing the border. Reagan, both Bushes didn't want to get involved in an issue of closing the border. What we have now, both democrats and republican all have encouraged an open border. Farmers wanted cheap labor as well as industry in general. The present Washing establishment is no different any in the past.We have said we were against it but have openly encouraged it. And a state cannot succeed. The nation will be whatever cost. I think.