
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A bloated Regulatory Agency just what we need

Supporters say the new agency would be similar to the Consumer Product Safety Commission.Instead of regulating household goods such as coffee makers, however, it would oversee the terms of mortgages and problems with credit cards.
Banks and other financial institutions say they are already being regulated by state and federal agencies. They object to fee increases that would fund the new agency. But supporters say the agency could help prevent problems similar to last year's mortgage meltdown.
Tell your lawmakers what you think about the proposed agency.Bullshot, we don't need another fat bloated agency with 6,000 permenent fixtures that do nothing but get salaries and breaks and sick days and more health care and tons of watch agencies.

What we need to do is get our house and senate to strike fear in the people that represent us. No more homos in congress fixing up there boyfriend to run Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. If a Congressman or Senator is caught doing a crime, they do the time like everypne else. If you are a crook you need to get a pink slip out iof congress .

Thank God People are getting together

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