
Sunday, March 9, 2008

No Two State Solution

May the short lives of the victims at Yeshiva be remembered in our prayers. as these souls walk with God

The heathens, celebrate in the streets, as the blood spilled onto the pavement. It is not a sin of the children of God, to be Jewish. In all honesty Israel should not give up anymore land. They should go back to the 1967 borders and ready themselves to the inevitable future of the annihilation of these carcass' of human beings.. Not so much by Israel but at the behest of there own Hitler of our time shall many muslims find themselves dripping there blood on the pavement.

To continue the stage play of a two state solution, is a huge mistake. How can Israel consider giving the palestinian neanderthals a "state". The target of missiles everyday. A state to perpetuate more violence against the Jewish people, NO WAY. I see the the religion of peace for what it is and the cult of death must stamped out by the fires that are in prophecy.
The chosen people will never loose this fight, there God is God.

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