
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Fred Thompson for President? I don't Know

Fred Thompson for President? I don't Know...I heard him on the Glen Beck Radio Show, on the release of Ramos and Compian the two border agents. It bothers me, that these soldiers of the front lines in our defense from Mexico's dreads are doing excessive time for a conversion of the rule of law. The Congress created the law for a mandatory ten years concerning the use of a firearm in the commission of a crime. The law was not intended for use by prosecutors to use against police officers who are trying to stop criminals committing crimes.
Fred Thompson believes what he reads about Ramos and Compian, who he says, they tried to cover up there misdeed and that justice is served by time served. How about the prosecutors with holding valuable information from the jury. By the way the jury later said that if they had known what is known about the crook Davilad who was caught moving marijuana three times across the border they would never had moved to convict.
That was three times he was caught moving drugs across the many times did the crook crossed drugs without being caught? That there sentence be commuted to time served. Mr. Thompson says from what he has READ warrants a commute for time served. Mr Thompson has not read enough.

I bet money that America feels like i do on the release of Ramos and Compian. Release the Border Agents.
I take it a step further, I believe that Ramos and Compian deserve an immediate release from prison. Especially pending there appeal.
Although I am conservative I pray for the eventual dismissal of all charges. That a smart attorney these two men win an award for a million dollars each for there grief.

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