
Friday, February 9, 2007

Is Impeaching Bush a bad Idea?

In My Country, Homeland Security Screws the Taxpayer

The story of the border Patrol agents is unraveling. It was Homeland Security that helped the illegal Drug smuggler find a lawyer to sue the Border Patrol Agency, AKA the American Taxpayer for 5 million dollars..

If the Border patrol agents are killed in prison while President Mush is twiddling his thumbs, there was a vielled threat if impeachment of the President by a congressman. How dare that congressman.

President Bush sends 20,000 more soldiers for muslim target practice without changing the rules of engagement. My God, what does Mush not understand after 3000 dead. The incompetence related to the Iraq War is never ending as long as Mush is the facsimile of the Commander and Chief.

Is impeaching President Bush such a bad idea? Impeachment will paralize the Mush presidency. It would engage al of congress into a new horizon. I tell you one would prevent Amnesty, I think. The issue of a guest worker program stalled, way passed the election is a fantastic prospect. Mission accomplished takes on a new meaning.

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